From Brown to Green                                          Prescott Resilience Hub Neighbor Survey 
Prescott Resilience Hub is a small Community Garden Space on the edge of West Oakland on 10th street between Wood and Pine. The location like many in our neighborhood is known as a "brownfield" because of its past use as a Junkyard, it could still contain toxins harmful to our health beneath the soil.
Experts point to our neighborhood as one of the first to begin flooding as sea level rises, which could produce a dangerous cocktail of poisonous waters as ground water mixes with the many unaddressed Brownfields in our neighborhood.

Prescott Resilience Hub has 3 Goals in the next year and we need your help with all of it: 

1) We will be conducting a Site Investigation (expensive testing) of our site, and hope to share the findings of the science with you and discuss other questionable soils and your questions around them in the neighborhood. 

2) We will be Piloting a low cost natural experiment, reviewed and lead by scientists, to clean our brownfield site using fungi and plants (Pilot Bioremediation). We'd like to share the science and techniques with you in workshops and trainings if you are interested. 

3) We need your help in Designing and Visioning the Resilience Hub. What should the end use of the site be to best serve the neighbors as a Resilience Hub? The specific definition of a Resilience Hub is up to the Neighbors, but the general definition is a space to help the community be resilient in the face of Climate Change.   

Please take this Quick Survey and leave your contact info so we can keep you updated on this project as it unfolds.

This project is operated by Neighborship, a 501c3 nonprofit devoted to supporting sustainable urban tiny home living (we had a tiny home community at the neighboring lots for 8 years) and is in collaboration with Oakland Allied Knowledge for Climate Action (OAK) a collective of Oakland nonprofits that is leading the community conversations. The Prescott Resilience Hub was created through funding and support from the NorCal Resilience Network,  Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation, and East Bay Community Foundation. Through an Equitable Community Revitalization Grant from the Department of Toxic Substances Control we will fund the Site Investigation and Pilot Bioremediation.

To get in touch, please reach us at or
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Are you interested to be informed about future events and news related to Prescott Resilience Hub and/or to get involved?
As we are building our outreach campaign, we assemble a team of community ambassadors to learn about citizen science and to raise awareness about climate risks and resilience measures among residents. We have a limited number of paid positions and additional volunteering opportunities. We are also interested in partnering and collaborating with other organizations.
Where do you live? (city, neighborhood)
Relationship to West Oakland
What is your name? *
How can we contact you? (Email, phone number)
Can you take our quick disaster preparedness survey? *
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