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USE-IT Survey 2023-2024
This survey is about
USE-IT maps
. You know, those free, square maps with the colourful covers. We are looking for feedback from people who travelled with a map, used the map for their guests or customers or helped to fund the map and who know what is good and what could be improved.
THANK YOU! You should be done in about 5 minutes, definitely not more than 10 :)
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Are/were you?
(if your institution funded and also distributed the map, please choose the "funder" option)
representative of: the cityhall/ official tourism office/ co-funding university or other (possible) funder
the professionals who distribute USE-IT maps: tourist info staff/ hostel personnel/ other
traveller who has used the map (not Erasmus student, not expat currently living in the city which map you will review)
expat/student, who has used USE-IT map
none of these
How did you know about this survey?
a friend shared/asked me
USE-IT meeting
USE-IT website
USE-IT email
Facebook USE-IT Europe
Facebook USE-IT [my city]
Instagram USE-IT Europe
Instagram USE-IT [my city]
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