Records Request Form
Complete this form for Service Record and/or Transcript Requests.

**Employees resigning from Brazosport ISD at the end of the current contract year should expect documents to be mailed to another district no earlier than the end of July, providing the employee has resigned by the last day of the current school year.  Original Service Records can only be released after the Superintendent has accepted the resignation.  

Please note that the district has 30 days from the date requested to submit the records.

For service records request information please contact Monica Serbantez at

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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Last Four of SSN *
Reason for Request *
Type of Records Requested *
Method of Delivery of Records *
Mailing or Email Address of Receiving District *
Include District  or University Name, Attention, Address, City, State, Zip.  If records need to be emailed, list the email address for the District contact below.  
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