New Athlete Questionnaire
Please answer these questions for the best of your abilities
Email *
Name *
Date of birth *
Email *
Phone number
Height and weight *
Do you have any injuries or medical conditions *
Do you play any sports or regular physical activities? How active are you on a weekly basis? *
Have you trained in the gym before? If so, please explain what kind of training - strength, speed, cardio, yoga, crossfit, etc *
Do you enjoy working out and training? Please explain what exercises or styles of training have worked for you in the past *
How many days per week can you make time for training? Which days work best? *
What facilities/equipment do you have access to? Gym, home, weights, machines, equipment, field space, etc.

What is the primary goal that you want to accomplish in the next 90 days? Be as specific as possible
What is a secondary goal that you want to accomplish in the next 90 days? Be as specific as possible
How important is it to you that you accomplish your primary goal?
Not important
Very important
How important is it to you that you accomplish your secondary goal?
Not important
Very important
Will you work hard to achieve your goals?
Not likely
Very likely
Describe a typical day of eating. Breakdown of breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, alcohol. *
Are you satisfied with the quality of your nutrition? *
Very dissatisfied
Completely satisfied
What would you like to change about your nutrition and dietary intake?
How much stress do you feel on a day to day basis (work, family, money, physical stress, etc)?
Minimal to no stress
Very stressed and drained
What causes you the most stress? This can be physical, mental, or emotional
When do you typically go to bed and wake up? Total hours of sleep a night?
How satisfied are you with the quality of your sleep?
What is something that you would like to change about your sleep and recovery habits?
How can I be of the most help to you? What role do you want me to play in helping you reach your goals?
Is there anything else that you would like to share with me?
Can I send you training, nutrition, and other healthy living tips in the form of an email newsletter?
If you are truly committed to changing your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle habits in order to accomplish your goals and become the best version of yourself, type your name below
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