Teen Advisory Board Registration Form
Join Gardiner Library's Teen Advisory Board (TAB)!

Volunteering time at the library can be used to fulfill community service hours for Honor Society, community/school responsibilities where public service hours are required, or on job and college resumes.

Requirement: 12 years and older

TAB participants help the library with upcoming events and programs.

Please sign up for the events you can assist with. You will receive a confirmation email with more details.

If you have any special interests that you'd be interested in seeing as a program or event, please share your thoughts with us.

Questions? Contact Carolyn at cthorenz@rcls.org.
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Your first and last name *
How old are you?
Please provide a parent or caregiver's email address.
Please provide your email address if you would also like to receive TAB emails.
Check boxes for programs/events that you would like to volunteer for. We will share more information with you after receiving your form.
If you have a special interest, or idea for a program or event, please share.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a TAB member and volunteering at the Gardiner Library!
We will contact you soon with a follow up email.
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