Three Pills Application Form 2020-2021
This is a personalised training course as you can choose what you would like to learn about and when. You enrolled for the training course and now, you have to choose the modules you would like to deal with. This term you can only enrol for 3 pills. You can plan your future training course as you will be able to enrol for three more pills next term.

There are 9 modules in this training course. You need to choose THREE of them and do the activities to get a 30-hour certificate. You can enrol for one or two modules, but you do not get the certificate then.

Pay attention to the dates of each module. Make sure you are available for the module on those dates.
Blue Pills: 8th February - 7th March
Red Pills: 8th March - 11th April
Green Pills: 12th April - 14th May
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Surname *
Name *
Which training course are you interested in? Choose THREE PILLS
ICT Pills (Blue)
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ICT Pills (Red)
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ICT Pills (Green)
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PBL Pills  (Blue)
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PBL Pills (Red)
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PBL Pills (Green)
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Competency-based learning and assessment (Blue)
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Competency-based learning and assessment (Red)
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Competency-based learning and assessment (Green)
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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