AHEIA Women's Archery League Registration - Fall 2024
Welcome to AHEIA's Women's Archery League, hosted at the Calgary Firearms Center!

Before registering please read the following information thoroughly:
  • This league will take place on Wednesdays starting at 4:30PM ( September 4, 11, 18, 25)
  • To ensure everyone has plenty of time for fun we ask that you please arrive before 6:00pm
  • Coaching, bow, and arrow rentals are provided. If you have your own bow, you're welcome to bring it!
  • Membership and League Fees must be paid in full prior to participating
  • We are an outdoor facility - dress for the weather!
  • Please provide a current email address to receive communication from our team with important league information
  • You will not receive a confirmation email after submitting your registration - you're good to go once you hit the submit button!
Please fill in the information requested below and we will see you September 4th!
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Street Address: *
City/Town: *
Province: *
Postal Code: *
Phone Number: *
Do you consent to receive electronic communications from AHEIA? *
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