Middle & High School Volunteers
* Please fill out this form completely. 
* We will send an email to your parent/guardian seeking permission once we have received your interest.
* You will receive an email with your scheduled day once we have permission from your parent/guardian and have cleared it with the teacher. 
* If you do not show up more than once without notifying the teacher you are volunteering for you will be removed from the volunteer list.
* Please make sure to communicate any sports or club conflicts with the teacher you are volunteering for.
What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your parent or guardian's email address? *
Who would you like to Volunteer for? *
Which day of the week would you like to volunteer? *
Are you in good academic standing? Meaning: do you have good grades? *
Do you have transportation home at 3:40?
*You may not ride the Presidents' buses home.
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