HEART South 2024 - Registration Form


South Island Christian Retreat for Home Educating Mothers. 

6-8 September 2024.  Living Springs, Lyttelton
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Email *
Your First Name: *
Your Surname:
Phone: *
Address: *
Emergency Contact Name: *
Emergency Contact Phone: *
How many years have you been homeschooling?
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We will be staying in shared bunk rooms.  All rooms have heaters but we need to bring our own bedding, including sheets and pillows.  Bathrooms are accessed via internal corridor.
For some of us, the novelty of sleeping in a top bunk is a thing of the past.  Please think about your physical and mental willingness to climb.  When allocating rooms we want to make sure that all those who need a bottom bunk, get one.

Are you able to sleep in a top bunk?
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If you have people you would like to share a room with, add their names here.
Babies *
HEART South is a space for Mum's to connect with God and each other away from their children. We do however expect that some of you have young, non-mobile, babies that need to stay by your side. We welcome you to bring your young, non-mobile, baby with you and will do our best to support you and adapt things to make the retreat work for you.

Will you be bringing your baby with you?
Special Dietary Requirements *
Catering to special diets costs $20 extra.  Please pay this with your registration.
Payment Details
These prices include: two nights accommodation,  5 meals, morning & afternoon teas, camp activities, crafts as well as all sessions, workshops and entertainment.

Last day to register and pay is 22 August 2024.
(Earl Bird Special is now finished)

$295 Standard Rate

$20 additional for special diets

$110 Saturday only
In previous years we have only offered a 'whole weekend' option.  We highly recommend that where possible, you sign up for the whole weekend - to get the most of the time away to refocus, refresh and connect with others.  We have however this year, made an option for those who can only come for the Saturday.  This will cost $110 and include lunch and dinner ($20 additional for special diets).

Please make payment into the following bank account, making sure you include your name as a reference.

Heart South

We realise prices have gone up a lot from last year.  We have set prices below cost, to make it as easy as possible for people who are struggling financially to join us at HEART South.  Please don't let finances stop you from registering.  We are asking for donations to cover this.  

Please consider your financial and family situation prayerfully then select from the options below.
Payment and Cancellation Policy
Registrations are not complete until payment is made in full.  On completion of this form you will be emailed a copy of your responses.  Please pay immediately in order to lock in your place. Places are limited and will be filled in the order that payment is received.  

Any cancellations made before 22 August are eligible for a full refund.

Please don't come to HEART South if you are not well.  If you therefore need to cancel at the last minute,  we will endeavour to fill your spot and refund you as much as possible but cannot guarantee a full refund.  
What is Next?
Don't forget to deposit the money into our account.  Go on, do it now before you forget :-)

We will send you a confirmation email once we have received your payment.  This may take a few days as we also have busy lives.

Pray for the speakers, organisers and all the mums coming to HEART South. 

See you in September!

Contact us with any questions
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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