Application for International Berlin Seminar 2019 "Our Democracy in the Digital Age".
Looking for international experience, discussions and thrilling days with fellow Europeans on European issues?
Join us at the 20th edition of the famous International Berlin Seminar, taking place in Berlin from the 5th to the 8th of Sepetmer 2019! Together with experts from think-tanks and youth organizations, you can discuss the issues of digitalisation and its effects on politics and society in Europe - not to mention the pub Crawls, excursions, Absolute European Party and much more.
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Personal information
Name *
Surname *
Age *
The seminar is aimed at youth aged 16-26. Exeptions are possible, but have to be well founded. Please state your age at the moment of the seminar.
Nationality *
Gender *
Address *
Street, house number; ZIP-Code, City; Country
Mobile number *
Only used if necessary during the seminar
What is your motivation for taking part in the Berlin Seminar? *
Practical information
I need accommodation *
You will be accommodated in gender-seperated shared rooms. Please note, that even if you do not utilize the provided accomodation (e.g. you stay with firends), the participation fee does not decrease.
Estimated travel costs *
Please help us manage the overall budget. Travel costs will be reimbursed based on actual costs (tickets required as proof) up to a maximum of 100€ (up to 800km distance), respectively 150€ (more than 801km) distance. NOTE: Distance is measured "as-the-crow flies" using the Erasmus+ distance calculator between Berlin and your place of residence!
Special needs
Dietary requirements, disabilities, etc.
Do you need a Visa? *
If you need a visa to get to Berlin and are selected as participant, we will contact you and inform you on further procedure. Note, that while we do our best to support your visa application, it is your own responsibility to start the process at the embassy and provide all necessary documents. As a participant in the International Berlin Seminar, you will not be charged a visa fee from the embassy. Please inquire your local German Embassy on requiered documents and the duration of the visa application process. If you need a Visa, please let us know, how long the application process approximately takes, according to the embassy.
Are you a member of JEF? *
If you are already a member of JEF, please state your section:
Your message to us
Anything else you would like to let us know?
Apply now!
Please reconsider the conditions regarding participation fee (80€), travel reimbursement and accomodation. You are required to be present for the whole duration of the seminar. After the application deadline, we will screen all applications and select participants based on a balance of motivation, nationality and gender. Information on futher procedure will be provided with the admission mail.
Please check the box below to recieve a copy of you application.
Das Internationale Berlinseminar wird gefördert aus Mitteln des Kinder- und Jugendplans des Bundes durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch  Cife – Centre international de formation européenne.
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