MCMT Audition Sign-Up - Wizard of Oz
Use this form to sign up for an audition time window for Wizard of Oz.
Families, you are welcome to use the same email address for multiple people, but we do request that you fill out a separate sign-up form for each person who would like to audition. We are looking for actors age 10+.
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Email *
Name and Pronouns
Which types of roles are you auditioning for?
Check all that apply (for example, several Munchkin roles are singing and dancing roles, with no spoken lines)
Which time slot are you reserving?
While these times start both on the hours and half hours, please plan to be with us for about one hour. The drop-down list below includes time options for both February 10 and 12
Please list any needs you have that we can prepare to accommodate.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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