Madera County MLRP Pre-Application Form

All parties who are interested in participating in the MLRP Madera program and funding opportunity must submit a pre-proposal application prior to the deadline of 11:59 pm on November 22, 2024. Pre-application submissions can be made via this form or by using a PDF version of the form provided on the Madera County MLRP web page.  

The purpose of the pre-application is to ensure that interested parties meet the minimum eligibility requirements for Madera County's MLRP before beginning the proposal development process. More information about the program and eligibility requirements can be found on the Madera County MLRP web page.

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Contact with questions or to request assistance to fill-out this form.

La asistencia con el idioma (incluidas versiones de los documentos y materiales de MLRP en español) está disponible a solicitud. Comuníquese con

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Section 1: Applicant/Owner or Applicant/Owner Designee Information: 

Enter the name of the decision maker who is authorized to make decisions pertaining to the application and whose name will be displayed on the MLRP project proposal.  

Applicant Name (Decision Maker):
Application Date: *
Mailing Address: *
Proposed Project Location: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Proposed Project Description: 

Please provide a short one-paragraph summary of the proposed project below.
Section 2: Parcel/Land Information: 
The following questions apply to the land being offered for enrollment through this application. 
APN(s): *
Number of Acres: *
Water supply source including (if applicable) the location of well or wells used to irrigate the fields.  *
Are the land(s) being offered for the program within a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) and Madera County? *
If yes, which GSA(s)? *
Land Type (check all that apply): *
Control of Land Documentation (check all that apply): *
Is the land currently enrolled in any other relevant program(s) such as LandFlex or conservation grants through NRCS? *
If yes, which program(s)? *
Current Condition (check all that apply): *
Date last irrigated: *
Section 3: Proposed Project Information

The following questions apply to the project that would be proposed and implemented through the program. Applicants must propose a project that would implement at least one eligible project type to convert irrigated agricultural lands to a less water intensive use. Projects must provide at least one or more co-benefits, which are benefits in addition to any water savings provided by the project.

Eligible Project Type (check all that apply):  *
Multibenefits (Co-benefits) Created (check all that apply):  *
Section 4. Other Applicant Information

Select the business structure and enter the legal name, and tax identification number for all applicants who will be participants on the contract or agreement including the decision maker.

Business Structure *
Applicant Legal Name(s) *
Tax Number(s) (last four digits) *
If applicant is a legal entity or joint operation, do you have appropriate documents including proof to sign for the entity or joint operation? *
Applicant Signature: 

The applicant agrees not to start any financially assisted conservation practice or activity or engage the reimbursable services of a certified technical service provider before an obligating document is executed by Madera County.

The applicant may obtain a copy of the applicable program contract appendix, which defines the full terms and conditions of program participation from Madera County by emailing

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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