Little Critter- Being Thankful
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Title: Little Critter- Being Thankful
1. Little Critter wants a new scooter because... *
1 分
p2 - Note (Kids often say "Boy!" when they are sad or unhappy, like saying, "Oh, man! or Oh no!" )
2. Little Critter sounds.... *
1 分
3. Little Critter thinks... *
1 分
4. Which member of the family didn't watch the movie carefully? *
1 分
5. Little Critter is sad he has.... *
1 分
6. In the game Little Critter is playing, which could he do? *
1 分
7. Little Critter is unhappy because... *
1 分
8. The computer you see in the picture is often called a... *
1 分
9. Little Critter says he wants to... *
1 分
10. What does Little Critter wish he could do at his home? *
1 分
11. Little Critter's Dad asks him to be more 'thankful.' Which word is the most similar to Thankful? *
1 分
12. The words "focusing on" can change with which word/s? *
1 分
The End - Thanks For Reading!
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