臺北醫學大學違反實驗動物福祉檢舉通報表 TMU Violation of Animal Welfare Reporting Form
1. 未取得IACUC核可逕行執行動物實驗。
2. 實驗動物長期飼養於環境不良之區域。
3. 實驗動物長期受不良操作。
4. 實驗動物長期遭受痛苦而未進行處理。
5. 其他違反動物福祉疑慮者。
Based on the Animal Protection Act and on the behalf of the IACUC, the LAC, the following situations can be reported:
1. Conduction of animal experiments without IACUC approval.
2. Experimental animal are housed in unhealthy environment for long term.
3. Experimental animal are suffering maltreatment.
4. Experimental animals are suffering pain for long term without taking any action.
5. Other actions may violate the animal welfare.