Inquiry for Employment - Knox Classical Academy
Thank you for your interest in serving at Knox Classical Academy. This is the initial step to be considered for a faculty or staff position, which is then followed by a faculty application, interview, teaching audition and required background check for selected applicants. Please complete the information below to begin!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
First & Last Name
Phone Number
Mailing Address, City, State and Zip Code
What type of position are you interested in? (Click all that apply)
Have you had any classroom experience (including day school, Sunday school, peer leadership groups, homeschool, etc)? If so, please describe. *
Do you affirm that we are born as broken sinners and saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone?
Do you Regularly attend church?
At least once per month
Every Sunday
What is the name of your church?
Pastor's Name
Contact email for your pastor
Reference #1 : Name and email (work related) In addition to contact information, please state your work relationship with this reference, and for how long.
Reference #2:  Name and email (character related) In addition to contact information, please state how you know this individual, and for how long.
Please send your resume and/or cover letter to our HR department: *
How did you learn of this opportunity?
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