In-person Attendee Registration for 'Volga to Vinland: Early medieval dress and textiles'
This form is for participants who wish to join the conference in person, all of whom will also be granted access to the recording afterward. To register ONLY for online access to the recording that will be made available following the live event, please click here:
Please note that the event will not be broadcast live on the day.

The conference will take place Saturday 9 November, 10am-5pm at the Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York, YO1 9RL

A full refund will be given if a cancellation is made 30 days or more before the event. Refunds for cancellations made at shorter notice will be given on a discretionary basis dependent on whether the ticket can be resold or not. The final decision will be made by the treasurer.
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First Name *
as you would like it printed on your name badge
Last Name *
Email Address *
Are you a member of MEDATS? *
Payment Method *
Early bird member price: £50 (until 20 September)
Early bird non-member price: £55 (until 20 September)
Member price: £55 (closes 25 October)
Non-member price: £60 (closes 25 October)
Special Dietary Requirements
A sandwich buffet lunch, tea and coffee are included in the registration fee
Additional Access Needs
Photographic Consent *
A video recording of this conference will be made to allow people for whom travel is not feasible to view the papers and displays afterward. Audience members may also be recorded during the question and answer sessions and while viewing the displays. If you are willing to be recorded for this purpose, but would not like a still image of you shared by MEDATS in the newsletter or online, please indicate so below.
I understand that if I grant consent for my photograph to be taken, it will be used in accordance with the MEDATS photograph consent policy:  
Contact Permission *
The MEDATS General Data Protection Regulation statement is available at
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