Mentor Application Intake- Share Your Skills
Thank you for your interest!!

This intake form is to apply to become a Mentor at Yukonstruct!
We are interested in your skill set,  experience, passions, and how you feel about teaching other people.

We love our Mentors. They are integral to our community because they assist Members in learning new skills and honing in their craft.
Mentors commit to 3 hours + / week for at least a month. During that time you are to be available to assist Members within your area of expertise. You will be scheduled for a certain time and date. Show up at the space, and introduce yourself to Members so they know you're there to provide aid in their projects (related to your specific skills).
Perks: Mentors get reimbursed one free standard membership for every month that they volunteer!

Who are we looking for? We want passionate people who would love to build connections in the community, share their skills, and help build a strong and vibrant makerspace!

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