Teacher Technology Survey
You guys have been so helpful this year with trying out all sorts of new websites and apps. We've tried lots of different things in all sorts of different classes, and I want to know about your experiences and impressions. This survey is completely anonymous and will help us make streamlined plans for next school year.
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Mark all of the following websites or apps that you used in ANY of your classes this year (not just 10th). *
Which of the following was your FAVORITE to use?
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Tell me why *
Which of the following was your LEAST FAVORITE to use?
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Tell me why *
Mark all of the following that you felt were a barrier to trying or implementing one of the websites/platforms/apps. *
What else could I have done that would have helped you these past 2 months? (Besides create time warps and warp the time-space continuum to give you all of the sleep and planning time you need.) *
Is there something we tried that you think would be good for us to ALL consistently use next year across the 10th grade? *
Tell me about anything else technology-wise that you are curious about or want to try out. I have all summer to learn about it! *
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