Mainstream Summer Programme/Camp 2024: Week 3
Hi everyone,
We hope you've enjoyed this week's Summer Programme/Camp! We have some questions for you to tell us what you think. Please answer each question. Your answers will help us to plan Camp for next year!
Thank you,
Ms FitzPatrick & Teachers
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1. My name is (first name & last name): *
2. My room and teacher: *
Visits & Visitors: The next question asks you about your favourite activities over the last week of Camp. Tell us which activities you most enjoyed, starting with your favourite:
3a. WEEK 3: My favourite (#1 vote):
3b. WEEK 3: My second favourite (#2 vote):
3c. WEEK 3: My third favourite (#3 vote):
Teacher Activities: The next questions ask you about activities you enjoyed most with your teacher(s) in Week 1 and in Week 2. Please tell us about the activity and why you liked it.
4a. WEEK 3: One activity I enjoyed: Name of the activity:
4b. WEEK 3: One activity I enjoyed: WHY I enjoyed it:
My Learning and Development: The Summer Programme/Camp is all about supporting you with your learning and development. Can you think of how the Summer Programme has helped you with three types of learning:
5a. Some things I learned (information). I learned about: *
5b. Some skills I learned. I learned how to: *
5c. Some communication and social skills I developed a little more (select all that apply): *
My Recommendations:  Do you have some suggestions for the Summer Programme/Camp - what to do and/or how? Tell us your ideas below.
6a. One thing I didn't enjoy so much about Camp:
6b. My suggestion(s) to improve Camp, even more:
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