Echollective Farm's 2024 CSA (veggie subscription) Sign-Up

An Echollective Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) membership supports us -- your farmers & farmworkers -- so that we can support the worms, birds, bees, and people in our community.  In addition to growing nutritious food for the Corridor Community, our farm works to conserve prairie grasslands, woodlands, and native habitat to develop a more sustainable future for all Iowans.

The 2024 CSA will begin the week of May 26th and end with a holiday box the week before Thanksgiving. A complete 2024 CSA calendar is included in the signup form below.

What to expect in your CSA share throughout the year: Asparagus, Arugula, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Braising Greens, Broccoli, Carrots, Cabbage, Cherry Tomatoes, Chard, Collard Greens, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Garlic Scapes, Head Lettuce, Heirloom Tomatoes, Herbs (basil, parsley, sage, dill, thyme, cilantro, oregano, lavender, and more), Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Melons, Onions, Potatoes, Radishes, Rhubarb, Salad Mix, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Summer Squash, Shallots, Sugar Snap Peas, Sweet & Hot Peppers, Turnips, Winter Squashes (butternut, spaghetti, kabocha, delicata, acorn, and more), Zucchini, and more! 

Early spring shares tend to be lighter -- think leafy greens, radishes, asparagus, fresh cilantro & dill bunches -- while shares in September and October tend to be heavier as well as filled with a greater value -- think heirloom tomatoes, sweet & hot peppers, onions, carrots, beets, potatoes & sweet potatoes, winter squashes and bunched greens. This is to say that the value of your CSA share will not be the exact same week to week. The bounty of the farm will dictate the bounty of your share! That said, we keep track of the precise value of each share from week to week throughout the season to make sure that the CSA membership meets (and in most years, far exceeds) your expectations.

To hold your spot for a 2024 share, please
1. Complete this form and
2. Send a payment for at least half of your total owed (full payment is welcome if it is in your budget to do so)**.
We offer three convenient methods of payment...
⚫ check made out to Echollective Farm and sent to 1003 Ginter Ave Iowa City, IA 52240
⚫ the Venmo app, @Echollective_Farm. When paying with Venmo, it is extremely important that you DO NOT toggle the "Turn on for purchases" before paying as this triggers us to pay a 2% fee. If you choose to pay with the 2% fee, we ask that you cover this fee in your total owed. 
⚫Please, let us know if you would prefer to pay in cash or with EBT/SNAP

The remainder of your payment will be due when you pick-up Week 1 of your share during the week of May 28th. Thank you for supporting us so that we can support the soil, worms, clean water & air, birds, bees, native plants, and PEOPLE (like you!) in our community!

**If the half upfront cost is a barrier to you signing up, please, contact and we can discuss alternative payment options. We are more than happy to work with individuals on payment plans. In fact, about 1/3 of our membership in 2023 used an individual payment plan.  :)

Please, email if you have any questions.
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Echollective Farm 2024 CSA Calendar
Please, look over the 2024 CSA calendar below. The 2024 CSA share includes 23 weeks worth of vegetables distributed over 20 weeks (3 weeks of double shares in the fall).                                                                                    ⚫ End of May thru September: CSA members will receive a weekly** bounty (16 weeks of food!).                      ⚫ During October: CSA members will receive a bi-weekly bounty valued for two weeks worth of produce.          ⚫ Week of November 10th: All members receive a Thanksgiving Holiday Produce Box                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ** Please, note that we have two breaks built into the CSA schedule.There will be no CSA pick-up the weeks of the July 4th Holiday as well as the first full week in August (8/04). These breaks allow for two important things to happen: 1. Your Echo Farm Team get a moment to rest and enjoy time with family and friends during the busy summer season 2. The farm takes time to focus on planting fall crops at strategic points during the year.
First Name *
Last Name *
Secondary Names (for families who split shares)
Secondary Email Addresses (please, list any email addresses that would like to receive our weekly newsletter)
Cell Phone Number *
Complete Mailing Address (Street, City, State, Zip) *
What is Sliding Scale Payment?
In 2020, we started a new type of payment structure for the CSA called sliding scale. The sliding scale payment system is a tool for building economic justice by promoting broader accessibility, while ensuring fair compensation for the producer (that's us!). If implemented effectively, everyone pays a similar percentage of their income for the same products or services. Paying according to one's resources creates a more equitable, diverse and sustainable community we can all benefit from.

Sliding scales are often based on individual income levels, with people of higher incomes paying more. However, many factors complicate and affect one's financial status.  Some groups of people have specific costs that the larger population does not. And others have access to resources that are not always reflected in their lifestyle choices and income levels. Please consider both your class background and earning power when choosing your share payment. Practice economic solidarity!

In the sliding scale system, you will choose what you will pay for your Farm Share CSA. For a general baseline of what to pay please start with your annual income. If you don’t know your annual income, take your monthly income and multiply by 12. Many people’s budgets are linked to those of a household partner. If you share finances with another adult, determine your household income and divide by two.
Here is a short list of guidelines that we're hoping will be helpful as you navigate the question of how much you can afford.

Consider paying less on the scale if you...
Have significant debt or medical expenses not covered by insurance
Receive public assistance such as WIC or SNAP
Have immigration related expenses
Are supporting children or have other dependents

Consider paying more on the scale if you...
Own the home you live in or have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money
Travel recreationally
Have access to family money and resources in times of need
Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.) even if you are currently not exercising your earning power, we ask that you recognize this as a choice.

The scale is intended to be a map, inviting each of us to take inventory of our financial resources and look deeper at our levels of privilege. It is a way to challenge many injustices that are built into our economic system on a local level. While we ask you to look inward please don’t stress about it. Pay what feels right.
*Thanks to Radherb, Third Root, Kula Center, and Soul Fire Farm for their contribution and work on developing sliding scale models. Framing and wording credit to:

2024 Sliding Scale Membership
Please select your 2024 CSA membership based on the information provided directly above *
The 2024 CSA share includes 23 weeks worth of vegetables distributed over 20 weeks (3 weeks of double shares in the fall). Also, please, note that the average weekly cost on your CSA share (ie: ~$30/wk for a Middle Income/Wealth small share member) does not necessarily reflect the value of every week of the CSA. At the start of the season, shares tend to be a bit lighter (literally and value-wise) while the fall shares in September and October are often heavy with storage crops (onions, carrots, winter squash, garlic, shallots, potatoes etc.) that can be eaten right away or easily stored well into December or January. For example, the value of the first CSA share may be $25 for the small & $41 for the large, and the value of the last CSA share might be $37 for the small and $55 for the large. Know that your farmers track the CSA's value from week to week throughout the entire season to make sure that member's are getting an overall value for their membership.
Pick Up Day and Location *
Please, note that like last year, there is not a Saturday morning pickup option for the CSA in 2024. If the Wednesday and Thursday pickup do not work for your schedule, please, consider looking into our Farmers Market Share which gives members credit to our Farmers Market stand at the Iowa City Farmers Market (each Saturday from 7:30am-Noon from May through October )
Please select your CSA size *
We offer two CSA sizes, small and large. The choice of the small vs. large CSA is personal, because one size does not fit all! Most of our CSA members find that the small share meets their needs. Some individuals and families choose to split the large share; while, others find that the large share is the best fit for their diet. If this is your first season with a CSA and you are feeling somewhat unsure about your ability to use all of the farm bounty, we suggest starting with the small share. If you have more questions about the small vs. large share size, please, email us at
Flower CSA Add-On
In 2024, we are again teaming up with Rhubarb Botanicals to offer a Flower CSA add-on. SignUp & purchase of the flower CSA can be done directly through Rhubarb Botanicals Website HERE
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Echollective Farm Work Trade
Would you like to be more hands-on and involved with the farm? Consider becoming a work trade member! For every hour worked, you will receive $9 off your CSA, up to half of your total owed. We ask that work traders schedule their shifts for a minimum 3-4hr with preference toward full day shifts of 6-8 hours. Most of the work will take place at our farm which is 20-30 minutes drive from Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. (Echollective Farm is located at 879 Echo Ave. Mechanicsville, IA.)
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Would you like to make a donation toward our Solidarity Shares Scholarship fund?
If you check yes, please, feel free to add this donations to your CSA payment (please, note any solidarity funds in the check memo or Venmo 'What's it for?' section). From $5-$50, we all work together to make local, community-based food more available to all of our neighbors.
Is there anything we should know about you?
Do you need an accommodation during pickup? Perhaps you have OCD and would appreciate if we were able to take extra measures to help you feel safe during pickup. Maybe you would like to be in the CSA but are unable to leave your home due to chronic illness. Please, let us know if there is anything that affects your relationship with us. We will do our best to make everyone feel seen and supported.
How did you hear about Echollective Farm?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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