Etherscan Community Poll - December 2022
EIP-4844 or Proto-Danksharding is a major upcoming change that helps Ethereum take a big step towards a Rollup-centric future. This quiz breaks down some key questions about it. Answer the questions and stand a chance to win $10 in ETH.

Don't worry about answering the questions right, but do click on View Accuracy to learn more!

Responses should be made by 22 December 2022 to be in the running.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is proto-danksharding? *
Which of these are benefits to Ethereum for implementing proto-danksharding? *
How will proto-danksharding affect gas on Ethereum? *
What is the Trusted Setup? *
How would you like Etherscan to support proto-danksharding?
Answer this only if you'd like to! Feel free to skip this question.
Enter your unique Poll Reward Code as displayed in the Block #34 newsletter (e.g. 68ae50fdb)
Share it to stand a chance to win! Skip this if you'd just like to take the quiz.
Further reading:
1. Get more details about EIP-4844 at
2. More on the trusted setup or KZG ceremony:
3. Participate in the KZG ceremony here!
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