Haggai/Women Fellowship Residential National Seminar at the Methodist Women Centre, 35 Jalan Embun, Kg Kuala Ampang, Hulu Kelang, Selangor
This is a "Christian" seminar.

Kindly note that your application is subjected to approval by the Seminar Committee. 

For seminar details, visit www.haggai.my.
If you have any enquiries, please email us at seminars@haggai.my.

Please make the payment after submitting this form, to this Payment Details :
Persatuan Alumni Haggai Malaysia
CIMB Bank 8007458460

Kindly provide us your payment details and WhatsApp the bank-in slip to 011-2862 3538 for issuance of receipt. 

Please feel free to call 011 2862 3538 should you need more information.

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Haggai/WF National Seminar (4 Days Residential)  
Registration Fee : RM600 per person for Residential
                                RM450 per person for Non-Residential
Haggai/WF RNS Time Table
Full Name (as per NRIC / Passport) *
Preferred Calling Name *
Age *
Gender *
Date of Birth
Address *
State *
City *
Postal Code *
Country of Residence *
Nationality *
Marital Status *
Mobile Number *
Email Address *
Qualifications *
Profession *
Church Name *
Church & BB Ministry Involvement
Recommended By Who
Recommended Person's Email / Phone Number *
Have you attended any Haggai Seminar before? *
If yes, please state when and where?
Spouse's Name
Has your spouse attended any Haggai Seminar before? *
If yes, please state when and where?
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