NVKF credits for Dutch audiologists
Please fill out this form to receive your NVKF credits for the Fifth International Meeting on Internet & Audiology  and return to us no later than May 14th, 2021. We will then email you a certificate of attendance to document your participation, which you can then submit to NVKF (via PE-online). For questions about submission, please contact secretariaat@nvkf.nl or Marieke Pronk (m.pronk@amsterdamumc.nl).

Total credits allowed: 2 per day (8 credits in total).*
*Due to an administrative error, the total number of credits that was previously announced in PE-online was 12 in total (corresponding to 3-hour conference days). As there are 2.5-hour conference days, this number has now been adjusted to 8. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

IMPORTANT: Please note that only full day attendance (2.5 hr/day) will yield credits.
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What is your name? *
What is your email? (if we need to contact you with follow up questions) *
What is your NVKF number? *
Please click the box below to indicate you attended the full day of Internet & Audiology 2021 sessions on Monday May 3rd.
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Please click the box below to indicate you attended the full day of Internet & Audiology 2021 sessions on Tuesday May 4th. *
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