Diktadura eta Demokrazia / Dictatorship and Democracy.
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1.-Jarraian agertzen diren aukeren artean, aukeratu Diktadurarekin lotutako kontzeptuak/ From the following options select the concepts which are characteristics of Dicatorships.
2.-Aipatuko zenituzke XX. Mendean egodako bi diktadoreen izenak? / Could you give the name of two Dicators (or Dictatorial Regimes from the XXth Century?
3.-Uste duzu Diktadura bat positiboa izan daitekela inoiz? Do you think that a dictatorial regime can ever be beneficial?
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4.-Aurreko galderan "Bai" erantzun baduzu, arrazoitu zure erantzuna / If your answer in the previous question was "Yes" justify your answer.
5.-Ondorengo hauetatik aukeratu Diktatorialak izan daitezken gobernu motak/ From the following Political Systems, choose the options which could be considered Dictatorial Regimes.
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5.-Aukeratu hauetatik Diktadurekin lotura daukaten ideia politikoak / Select the political ideologies which defend different kinds of Dictatorship.
6.-Uste duzu gaur egun oraindik diktadura asko daudela munduan? / Do you think that nowadays there are many dictatorships in the World?
Ez dago diktadurarik / There are not dictatorships
Diktadura asko daude/ There are too much dictatorships
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7.-Aipatu gaur egun diktatorialak izan daitezkeen gobernuen adibideak / Give examples of dictatorial governments of nowadays.
8.-Uste duzu gaur egungo Europar Batasunean posible dela berriro Diktadurarik egotea? Zergatik?/ Do you think there is any possibility of having a Dictatorship in the European Union? Why
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