Northeastern History Graduate Student Association Conference Call for Papers

"Community Memory in Times of Transnational Crisis"

Conference Date: March 14th, 2025

Location: The John D. O'Bryant African-American Institute Cabral Center,  40 Leon Street Boston, MA 02115

In-Person event with free attendance and open to all.

Abstract Submission Deadline: January 3rd, 2025

The theme for the 2025 conference is "Community Memory in Times of Transnational Crisis.We define community memory as a modality of memory that is determined by the group, transmitted among individuals and generations. It is further activated through engagement with the public. Community memory remained alive for long periods of time in the private realm, but after the 18th century, community memory occupied more space in the public sphere. Community memory can also be prescribed by governmental bodies and privately-funded initiatives. Crisis in history occurred alongside mass migrations, trade routes, conquests, and the movement of bodies and goods. In times of transnationally connected crises, community memory is reexamined and redefined by conditions of uncertainty or insecurity, grief, and resilience in communities.

Submissions may engage with a variety of related topics including: Diaspora and migration, colonialism, political and cultural studies, archives, memorialization, resistance and futurity. The methods we encourage include but are not limited to: Critical race studies, ethnic studies, intersectional feminism, digital humanities, archival studies and sciences, transnational and world history, ethnic studies, language studies, disability studies, colonialism and postcolonial studies, subaltern studies, trauma studies, LGBTQIA+ studies, memory and affect studies, anthropology, media studies, law, museum studies, and environmental history.

We invite graduate students in history graduate programs and other associated disciplines to present work on any of these topics and more. We welcome and encourage papers that deal with these issues in interdisciplinary ways, as well as those engaging with the digital humanities. We also encourage the submission of pre-organized panel proposals. Faculty are invited to volunteer as chair/commentators in their research areas.

Accepted papers will be notified by January 16th, 2025 and individuals will be required to submit full papers by February 16th, 2025.

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Project Abstract (up to 300 words)
By submitting an abstract, I recognize that the conference will be in-person at Northeastern University's Boston campus. The conference planning committee is unfortunately unable to offer financial assistance for travel to the conference, and we recommend you petition your host institution for travel funds if accepted to attend in-person. *
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