W.in Debate Mentee Sign Up (Fall 24-25) 
Sign up to be a mentee! 
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Email *
Full Name *
Gender Pronouns *
Parent Name & Email (Optional)
School, State, Region (South, Texas, Northeast, West, Midwest) *
Grade in School (for the 24-25 year) *
What event are you interested in being mentored in? (We are primarily a Lincoln Douglas-oriented program) *
What is your experience in said event? (How long have you been doing it, list top few accomplishments and places, what tournaments have you competed in, etc.) *
What arguments do you read right now (ex: Ks, Policy, fem, etc.) Be specific. *
Please briefly summarize what you are primarily interested in learning from your mentor (i.e theory, traditional-style, feminism, anti-blackness, etc.) and what would you like your mentor to help you with. This will help us match you with a mentor, so please be specific. *
Please describe your goals for this season and what circuit you plan to compete in (National/TOC, local, etc.) *
Do you have a W.in mentor from previous years that you are still in contact with and/or want to continue your mentorship with them this year? If so, please list their full name below.
How often do you want to work with your mentor? (presume each session is an hour) *
I would be interested in attending or watching recorded lectures given by mentors. *
I understand that W.in Debate is an organization intended for women and gender minorities. *
W.in Debate Code of Conduct:

Women in Debate (W.in Debate) provides women and gender minorities with the opportunity to refine their debate skills in a space where they feel both comfortable and safe while building long-lasting relationships with positive role models. Participation in W.in Debate’s programming is subject to the observance of the W.in Debate Code of Conduct, which is closely modeled after the National Speech and Debate Association’s Harassment & Discrimination Policy. W.in Debate reserves the right to utilize discretion when determining dismissal from the organization.

W.in Debate is committed to providing its participants, mentors, mentees, and leadership members the opportunity to pursue excellence in their endeavors. This opportunity can exist only when each member of our community is assured an atmosphere of mutual respect. W.in Debate prohibits all forms of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, all forms of harassment and discrimination, whether written or oral, based on race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, citizenship, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by any applicable federal, state, or local law are prohibited, whether committed by participants, mentors, mentees, or leadership members. Individuals who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to the full range of sanctions, up to and including removal from any and all W.in programming.

This Code of Conduct applies not only to behavior during W.in-related activities, but also to any conduct that may affect the safety, well-being, or reputation of W.in Debate and its members. This includes online behavior, social media interactions, and any other public or private actions.

By signing my full name below, I agree to abide by the code of conduct, and understand that breaking this code may result in my termination from the organization at W.in Debate’s discretion.

If you feel there is something else that we should know, please let us know here:
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