Making Better
A few questions to make the site suck less.
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How often do you use
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Do you ever use the URL instead of the long one?
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What would make this site better?
...if that's even possible.
(1) This would make it WORSE
(5) This would be life-changingly amazing
Make it look nicer
Let me log in and log my own swipes
Let me set custom swipe use patterns for more accurate tracking for me
Support other languages
Account for school holidays in calculations
Make a G-rated version so my mom can use it
Make an API so other people can make tools with swipecounts
Make an Android app
Make an iOS app
Make a Windows phone app
Make an Android homescreen widget
Tweet swipecounts everyday
Add sharing (FB/Twitter/Insta) functionality
Clear selection will always be free.  But say I wanted to sell out and try to pay for my web hosting...  Would you consider paying a measly dollar for any of these things?
Any other brilliant ideas/feedback?
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