FY 24 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Survey (Oct.)
Please take 3-5mins the time to complete the Carver STEAM Academy Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting Survey.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Contact Number *
Email Address *
Do you know where to locate the School-Parent Compact and Family Engagement Plan?
Do you know what Carver STEAM Academy's goals are?
How can we better serve you and your family here at Carver STEAM?
How would you like to see Title I funds used here at Carver STEAM?
GET INVOLVED: Would you like to become a volunteer for Carver STEAM Academy? (Please share your interest below)  *
Thank you for completing the survey. Any Questions?? Please contact Ms. Manago Parent Liaison: smanago@pbsatl.org
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