VITA Transportation Form
Please submit one survey per child.
In order to maintain accurate student information, please remember to submit a new form if your child's Transportation Plan changes.

This is NOT for temporary changes. The policy for temporary/one-day changes remains the same. Temporary changes must be submitted by sending your child with a signed and dated note to the teacher no later than the morning of the change. This is the only way to ensure your child safely gets home according to the change requested for that day, as emails are not viewable by substitutes in the office or classroom, and teachers often do not have time to check their inboxes during school hours.

REMINDER: Log in to ParentVue to update your Emergency Contact/Pick-Up list. Only adults on that list are allowed to pick up your child for you. (Call/email the office if you need assistance logging in.)

VITA Elementary
(360) 313-5000
Mon-Fri 8:20-3:40

Spanish: Sofia Avila (360) 719-8161
Russian: Viktoriya Krasovskaya (360) 936-9574
Chuukese: Dania Narruhn (360) 772-7494
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