A Woolen Affair 2025 Vendor Application!
A Woolen Affair will take place on Friday, October 17th, 2025 in Kingston, NY at the Hutton Brick Yards
Load in is on Thursday October 16th. Load Out is October 18th before noon. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Business Name *
Last Name *
First Name *
Address *
Phone *
Instagram *
Ravelry *
Worked with Catherine before at A Woolen Affair or Wool & Folk? *
Description of Business (including products you make) This will be used for social media should you be accepted so please take care in writing this part. *
Booth Space Requested 1st choice *
Booth Space Requested 2nd choice *
Corner Booth Desired? ($300 additional cost) *
Stand Alone Booth Desired? ($500 additional cost) This means you will have customer access on 3 sides of your booth. *
Are you interested in sponsoring A Woolen Affair (either by donating time, money, swag or other ideas you might have)?
If it were offered, would you be interested in taking part in a Thursday evening cocktail party/event as well? *
Are you interested in staying at Hutton Brickyards during the event?  I will have a block of rooms that I will offer to vendors first before the general public. It is approximately $300/night for the Queen Cabins.  The cabins are super cute! *
Are you a BIPOC maker/business and interested in a potential scholarship to help pay for a booth? *
Anything Else you would like to tell me? *
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