Feet Caroling Blitz 2023 Registration Form
The event is at Beautiful Feet on December 08, 2023 at 6:30 pm. We will contact you to schedule exact trailer drop off times and answer any questions you may have. This form is for groups larger than 10 people and for those bringing a trailer. If you are bringing your family or a handful of people you do not need to sign up.
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Email *
What is your group name? *
Who is your contact person? *
What is your contacts phone number and email (if email is different than above) *
If registering a group, how many people are in your group? *
Just comment "NA" if not bringing a group.
Are you registering a group or trailer? *
Please select all that apply.
Are you bringing multiple trailers? If so, how many total trailers are you bringing? *
If registering a trailer, how long is your trailer? *
Just answer N/A if you aren't bringing a trailer.
Do you need hay for your trailer? *
We are in dire need of gifts for the children we come in contact with. Will you be bringing gifts for your trailer? *
Do you have any questions about this event?
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