BonaResponds April 2010
We NOW have 18 jobs lined up in the month of April. Because of this and the few number of weekends available (Easter and Spring weekend will cut into the work we can do),  planning is going to be more important than ever.  In addition we have limited capacity on some jobs and on the trip to Camden/Philadelphia.  Please sign up for the days you can make it.  THANKS.  
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Cell Phone Number *
When are you available?  We really will need a great number of volunteers this month, so please come out and help! *
We have a fairly large project to help an elderly couple who live in a cabin in Allegany County.  It would take multiple days.  We are considering making it a "trip" for 3 or 4 days after graduation.  It would be a good way to relax before summer work begins.  We would likely camp out or at least stay in a shelter that is comparable to where we stay on tripos.  The "trip" would be free.  Would you be interested in this type of "trip?"  essentially we would get all the good of a trip without a long drive.  Indeed we could even schedule a half day off to "go site-seeing".   *
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