We are Alumni In Recovery (AinR™)! We provide a safe and reliable program to heighten awareness, hope, and resources for our local communities. We aim to end the stigma of the disease of addiction by sharing our stories with students, parents, and communities. We are a program consisting of young adults in the recovery community, as well as family members that have lost loved ones to substance abuse-related deaths.

To learn more about our mission, please visit our website

If you’d like to join the team and spread the message, feel free to fill out this form and one of our dedicated team members will be in touch with you soon.

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Email *
First & Last Name *
Pronouns (Optional)
Parent program, Alumni program, or Community member? *
What high school did you graduate from and year? *
When Is Your Date Of Birth? *
Tell us a little bit about yourself! *
Preferred Method Of Contact: *
Do you prefer virtual or in person commitments? *
If applicable, when did you become sober?
What do you want to bring to AinR? (You can pick multiple answers, and under "Other" put anything else you may want to help with) *
What days are you available to speak/make volunteer commitments? *
How did you hear about us? *
What time of day usually works best for you to speak/make volunteer commitments? *
Please Note The Following Important Statements:
Alumni In Recovery is not affiliated with any fellowship or 12-step programs. We respect the fellowships' traditions and do not break the anonymity of any members.
Alumni In Recovery (AinR) is a nonprofit organization that continues to spread awareness and end the stigma of addiction to our communities through presentations and displays. As Alumni In Recovery (AinR) becomes more well known, we are exposed to more coverage in newspapers, social media, radio and even local television news. This publicity is core to our mission of raising awareness and sharing our stories. However, we realize that each of our members have a deeply personal story that is theirs alone to determine how it should or should not be disseminated.
It is important for all of us to realize that AinR  cannot control the coverage of events, especially, large community-based events. With this in mind, each AinR speaker should carefully prepare their presentation prior to their speaking event. You should assume that anything that you share will make it into news or other coverage of the event, and you should include only what you are comfortable in disclosing.
The guidelines are the framework for our members speaking on behalf of Alumni In Recovery. They provide for clear and consistent messaging at presentations for our hosts to rely upon. Please keep in mind that we are guests at the places we are speaking at and should adhere to responsible sharing through the guidelines outlined here. Please check below that you have read and gone over our program's guidelines for speakers which can be found at this link: *
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