Men's Mysteries Deep Dive - Market Research
This is a strange time in the world for men and general gender dynamics. Many men were brought up with the idea that we can achieve or have whatever we want in this world. We were brought up to "not take no for an answer"... We now know this can lead to all kinds of harmful behaviour, boundary violations, causing hurt to ourselves and others. We now know we absolutely have to take no for an answer when it comes to us.

But within that, how can we stay powerful as men? 
How can we make sense of our own masculinity? 
Is there such a thing as the 'inner feminine' and if so, do we need to interact with it? 

These are essential questions we all need to ask ourselves.

Many assert that it's in man's nature to be predatory - if that is the case, how can we do so safely? We are taught that women love assertive men who know what they want and go and get it. But we also know women's boundaries are crossed at a horrible rate. This begs the question: Is it possible to make peace with the inner predator? (yes it is possible and actually it's essential).

How can we make peace with our own cocks? Cocks often seem to have a mind of their own. How can we develop a deeper communication with our very own wand of wonder?

How can we be strong, empowered men and yet be safe to the people around us?

I have run several courses in person and online all with the intention of making the world a better place through sex positivity. I'm sitting here in remote Australia designing my next course. As I do so, I wonder a few things about the structure of this course. If you are a man, please take a few moments to let me know which aspects of empowered male sexuality you would most like me to share with you and with the world.
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Last time we ran a course designed for men, a third of the participants who signed up were women. We were very surprised by this! But they certainly added a lot to the group discusssions. Soon we will run another course with the intention of helping men find more grounded empowered sexuality. Do you feel we should be exclusive to men or should everyone be welcome?
In terms of personal relationships, are you more interested in creating new connections or taking current connections deeper?
Creating new connections
Taking current connections deeper
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With your partner(s), are you more interested in focusing on having better sexual experiences or deeper emotional connections?
Having better sexual experiences
having better emotional connections
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Some of our courses have a spiritual element. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much ritual and spirituality do you want in the next course?
No spirituality at all
Lots of spirituality
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult have you found it to express your emotional needs to the partners you've had?
Not difficult at all
Very difficult
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult do you find it to express your sexual needs to partners you've had?
Not difficult at all
Very difficult
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Use this paragraph to describe anything else you would like to learn from our upcoming course for men.
In order to benefit from the 20% discount on the next course and to be notified when it is due to begin, please enter your email address below.
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