4th Annual Trunk-or-Treat @ Trinity Registration
Saturday, October 26th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in Trinity's Parking Lot.  *If there is inclement weather, the event will be moved to Sunday, October 27th from 2-4 PM*

3 ways to participate:    1.  HOST A TRUNK   2.  DONATE CANDY   3.  VOLUNTEER

NEW!  IF HOSTING A TRUNK, consider creating a Bible-themed trunk! This can spark discussion about the Bible!  Some ideas:  Creation, Noah's Ark, Jonah, Daniel, Queen Esther, all things JESUS!  

Please also consider incorporating a game into your setup!  Any games should be easy and quick to keep the line moving. 

PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD!  Families attending the event will each vote on their favorite decorated car.  At the end of the event, the winning trunk will receive a trophy!  

This is a great opportunity to welcome families from our community to Trinity and invite them back to church!  

Questions?  Email Celeste at cjenkins@trinityboyertown.org 
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If you would like to donate candy for our Trunk-or-Treat (candy with nuts is okay this year), please indicate about how much & what you will be donating.  *Candy donations should be dropped off in the basket in the lobby no later than Sunday, October 20th.
HOST A TRUNK!  If you would like to host a trunk, please give your Family/Group Name.  
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Vehicle Make/Model:
Your Trunk Theme:  (Type TBD if unsure)  *Please let Celeste know your theme no later than October 18th!
Who would you like to provide the candy/treats?
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VOLUNTEER!  If you would like to volunteer for our event, please select from the following options:
Please read the following rules, and check next to each one signifying that you have read, understood and agree to it:          
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