All over the world, longer life expectancies and ageing populations have led to a shortfall in retirement savings. This Phenomenon is even more prevalent  among women. Women on the average live 5 years longer than men; this makes their retirement needs more pronounced.  

In both developed and developing economies, the risk of poverty in old age falls disproportionately on women because women often have interrupted careers to meet important family needs such as reproduction, following a spouse on a transfer, giving up a career in the same organization as the man in fulfillment of company policy, post child -delivery complications or child care. Interrupted careers mean interrupted pension savings and this can lead to a degree of poverty in old age. Other reasons accounting for poverty at old age among women is lower earnings, no earnings at all for full time housewives and increased expenditures for moms without support.
Women deserve a decent retirement and for this reason, the PenTrust She Retires has been uniquely designed to take care of the retirement needs of women

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10. Date of Birth *
11. Place of birth
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13. Next of Kin *
14.Next of kin Phone number *
15a. Name  of Beneficiary 1 *
15b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 1 *
15c. Phone number of Beneficiary 1 *
15d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 1 *
16a. Name  of beneficiary 2
16b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 2
16c. Phone number of Beneficiary 2
16d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 2
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17a. Name  of Beneficiary 3
17b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 3
17c. Phone number of Beneficiary 3
17d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 3
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18a. Name  of Beneficiary 4
18b. Date of Birth of Beneficiary 4
18c. Phone number of Beneficiary 4
18d. Percentage of benefits to beneficiary 4
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19. Choose Mode of payment
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20. Indicate Minimum contributions not less than 100 cedis *
Terms and Conditions Section 109(2) of the Pensions Act 766 amended as 883 requires two accounts to be opened for personal pension schemes, savings account, and retirement account. 50% of your contributions will go to your savings account while the other 50% will be in your retirement account. Withdrawal is allowed in the savings account after 5 years of contributions. Contributions in the retirement account shall only be paid on the retirement of the contributor or after 10 years of contributions. Please note that pension investments do not offer guaranteed returns and therefore returns can change depending on market factors.Signature/Submit/accept  By clicking accept/submit, I accept all the terms in the forms completed *
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