Nutrition with Coach Kate at Camp Gladiator
A few questions to get the conversation started!
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Why are you looking for nutrition accountability? Are there specific habits you are looking to change or are you looking for general guidance? (Either/both are fine!)
Do you have any health issues of which I should be aware? (for example: thyroid conditions, cardiovascular health concerns, diabetic, pre-diabetic, etc.) Do you have any food allergies?
Have you tried any specific diets in the past? If so, which ones? And why was this diet(s) not sustainable for you?
What is your biggest food trigger or area of weakness? (ex: stress eating, mindless snacking, sweet tooth, etc.)
Do you have any dietary preferences and/or requirements? (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, etc.)
Last question: without thinking too hard, what are your five favorite foods and what are five foods you really cannot stand?
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