Membership Application
Kona Community Hospital Auxiliary
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Email *
First Name
Last Name
Address (Hawaii)
Other Address
Cell Phone
Alternative Phone
Preferred Method of Contact
Are you 18 years or older?
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please describe relevant educational background (degrees, areas of study, majors, etc.):
What language(s) other than English do you use? Please include your level of proficiency with speaking, reading and writing in each language.
References: Please provide information for 2 references other than family members.
Reference 1 Name
Reference 1 Email
Reference 1 Phone
Relationship to Reference 1 (organization, length of time known)
Reference 2 Name
Reference 2 Email
Reference 2 Phone
Relationship to Reference 2 (organization, length of time known) *
Please include a detailed list of previous volunteer experience, including organization name, length of service, roles/duties.
Please describe why you would like to volunteer with KCHA.
Please indicate areas of interest in the following departments/units (check all that apply).
Direct Patient Services
Department Support Services
Community Outreach
Please indicate days and times you are available to volunteer. Please include the total number of weekly hours you would be interested in working (e.g, 10 hours/week, Mondays and Wednesday, 12-5PM):
There are some positions at the hospital that are off limits to people convicted of certain criminal offenses. Please indicated if you have been convicted of a criminal office (misdemeanor or felony) and provide more details here:
Membership Preference
How did you hear about us?
If other, please specify:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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