2023 HDR Ecosystem Conference Poster Submission
We expect most participants will present a poster. These are welcome to range across activities within research, education, community engagement, or DEI. Poster title submission is extended to September 22.

The maximum size for posters is 4ft x 4ft.

Conference Overview 
NSF's Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Big Idea is a national-scale activity founded in 2016 to enable new modes of data-driven discovery that address fundamental questions at the frontiers of science and engineering. The resulting HDR ecosystem includes HDR Institutes, DSCs, and TRIPODS.

This second annual HDR ecosystem conference has four objectives:
  • Community building: to strengthen relationships among  HDR entities (institutes, TRIPODS and DSCs) and wider data-intensive research communities 
  • Reflection: to provide a forum for reflection on accomplishments and future goals of each HDR entity 
  • Cross-learning: to build on successes, best practices and innovative products of all HDR entities and wider data-intensive research communities
  • Cross-cutting challenges: to address challenges shared by data intensive research among HDR entities and beyond, develop new collaborations and seek future opportunities
During the three-day conference, you can expect a variety of thoughtfully facilitated activities. 

Dates and Locations
October 16-18, 2023
Denver, CO

Contact Information
Please direct questions to conference staff members: 
Emily Freed, ID4 program manager, efreed@mines.edu
Heather Aldrich, conference communications specialist, heather.aldrich@colostate.edu 
Gemma Jiang, lead conference facilitator, gemma.jiang@colostate.edu

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Name *
Email *
Are you affiliated with a current NSF HDR project?
If you are affiliated with a related NSF funded initiative, please list the name of your institute/center. 
List the title of your poster *
List all authors for your poster and their institutional affiliations. Please use this format: Author1 first and last name, author 1 affiliation; Author 2 first and last name, author 2 affiliation; etc. (e.g. Eric Toberer, Colorado School of Mines; Tanya Berger-Wolf, Ohio State University; Gemma Jiang, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Colorado State University) *
List the email address for the corresponding author for your poster (it can be the presenter or another author). This email address will be included in the conference booklet, along with the poster title and all authors/affiliations. *
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