2017 Concurrent Session & "MTex" Proposal Submission
The 2017 Conference of the American Music Therapy Association
November 15—19, 2017
(Opening session begins November 16, CMTE courses and special trainings may begin earlier)
At the Union Station Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri



All concurrent sessions will be scheduled for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Submissions are accepted only using this form.  Please submit one form only for each proposed offering.  Required questions are indicated by the *. You will see a confirmation screen after clicking the button to submit if your submission was successful (scroll back up to the top of the page if necessary).  You will be notified by July 15 as to the status of your proposal. Information for the blind review process of session selection will be taken from your submission form so please do not include any identifying data where indicated. Not following instructions may cause your proposal to be rejected.  Please remember to save your own copy of submission information for your future use if you have not already done so.

If you have questions, need to change anything after submission, or do not receive acknowledgement by July 15th, contact Al Bumanis at (301) 589-3300 ext. 103 or Bumanis@musictherapy.org


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Title of Presentation *
12 words maximum
Abstract *
50 words maximum, appropriate for inclusion in the conference program.
Learner Objectives *
Include at least 1 but no more than 4 learner objectives to be addressed in this presentation.  Please consider the "CBMT Board Certification Domains (2015)" document (available at www.cbmt.org) as you prepare to help you focus the educational content of your session. (Include no identifying data.)
Description *
Please provide sufficient information concerning the proposal for reviewers to evaluate its suitability for this year’s conference. Write in narrative form (no outlines). Clinical proposals should include information on assessment and documentation. If appropriate, please indicate how this presentation aligns with the goals of the Music Therapy Research 2025 initiative.  300 word maximum. (Include no identifying data)
Please include any references which are relevant to the content of the presentation.
Format *
All concurrent sessions will be scheduled for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Target Audience *
Check all that apply of the following audience groups for whom you feel this session is appropriate.
Key Words *
List one or more key words that denote the main topic(s) of the presentation. (Inlcude no identifying data.)
Presenter Name(s) and Credential(s) *
Please list presenter names in the order you would like them to appear in the program and provide accurate credentials which follow the AMTA Advisory on Acronyms. (Be sure to check this information with ALL your presenters before submitting.)
Mini-Biography *
Please provide a very short biography of each presenter.  30 words maximum per person.
Past Presentations
Please list 1-3 recent related presentations/publications by presenter(s).
Contact Person First Name *
The contact person's information will be used as the sole contact by conference planners.  The contact person is responsible for communicating all information with all other presenters as necessary.
Contact Person Middle Name/Initial
Contact Person Last Name *
Contact Person Address *
Consider the best address to be used for June/July mailings.
Contact Person Address Line 2
Contact Person City *
Contact Person State *
Contact Person Zip/Postal Code *
Contact Person Country *
Contact Person Email Address *
Contact Person Telephone *
Audio Visual Requirements *
AMTA will supply a standard package of AV equipment for each session room.  Accepted presentations will be required to utilize only the equipment in the package.  You will be notified by August 1, 2017 regarding equipment that will be available, so that you can appropriately plan your session. If you do not receive notification by July 15, please contact conference organizers.  AMTA is unable to provide computers or software; please plan to bring your own. Web access is your own responsibility.  Internet access in meeting rooms is not guaranteed; be sure to download what you need before you arrive at the conference to ensure you will have it for your session.  Presenters will be responsible for costs incurred for equipment requests granted outside the standard AV package.
Instruments Needed *
Instruments including pianos, a limited number of melodic Orff instruments, drums, guitars, and small percussive instruments may be provided at the conference as requested.  Please indicate specific instruments needed so that we can attempt to accurately fill your request.  Conference planners reserve the right to charge presenters for requests requiring difficult-to-obtain, uncommon, or costly instrument rentals.  Every attempt will be made to accommodate your request, but we cannot guarantee instruments.  Please list instruments needed with this in mind.  If no instruments are needed, please write “none” in the space below.
Release *
Are release forms required of participants in case of potential harm arising from an experiential presentation or for privacy concerns?
Audio Recording *
Are you willing to have your session audio recorded? (The contact person should answer on behalf of a group of presenters for a joint proposal. Please check with all presenters before answering. Sessions are not guaranteed to be recorded.) Note: MTex submissions MUST agree to recording.
Video Recording *
Are you willing to have your session video recorded? (The contact person should answer on behalf of a group of presenters for a joint proposal. Please check with all presenters before answering. Sessions are not guaranteed to be recorded.)  Note: MTex submissions MUST agree to recording.
Association Commitments/Possible Schedule Conflicts *
Please help us plan your session around association meetings you may be required to attend.  Are you a member of any of the folllowing groups that meet during the conference and may limit your availability to present?
Contract *
By submitting this proposal electronically, I am contracting with AMTA to provide this presentation. I understand that I have affixed my signature and I agree to abide by all conference policies and regulations as outlined above.  I understand that all concurrent sessions are scheduled for 75 minutes.  I agree to present at the time assigned to me, which may be at any time during the conference schedule.  I understand that not presenting at the agreed time and date may result in my not being invited to present at future conferences.
Electronic Signature *
Please enter your full name.
Date Signed *
Please enter today's date.
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