Level 1 Cloth Officials Test
This test is designed based on the WDBF Rules of Cloth Dodgeball last revised in July 2023. This test is designed to assess a referee's knowledge of WDBF Cloth Dodgeball based purely on the rule set.
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Q1. A live player is defined as:
1 point
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Q2. What causes a player to be out?
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Q3. What would be considered a dead object?
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Q4. What is the maximum number of players that start on the court at the beginning of a set for each team?
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Q5. At the beginning of a set, where are balls placed?
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Q6. The team with advantage must make an offensive play within how many seconds?
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Q7. If two opposing player's each throw a live ball and those balls collide midair, they are now considered?
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Q8. A team is determined to have advantage if:

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Q9. If “Playball” has been called and the team has not moved the correct numbers of ball the team must: 

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Q10. A player can be rendered out by: 
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Q11. A live player, who has been hit out with a ball in hand may do what with that ball?
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Q12. What is the term for when a player has a live ball knocked from their hand, by a live ball thrown from an opposing player, and the ball becomes a dead ball?
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Q13. A valid catch requires:
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Q14. Ball possession is defined as:
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Q15. What is the maximum length of a set?
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Q16. If player 2 catches a deflected, live ball, off of player 1, who is a live player, what is the ensuing result?
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Q17. When does the count for advantage reset?
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Q18. On the opening rush, when does a ball become a live ball?
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Q19. What happens during a false start on the opening rush?

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Q20. If player A is hit with a live ball and player B attempts to catch that live ball, fumbles it, it falls to the ground and becomes a dead ball, what happens?
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Q21. In the following clip, Why was the American player on the left side of the court called out?


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Q22. In this clip of a sacrifice play, 
who is out in this scenario and why?

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Q23. Why are the 2 Canadian players on the right 
called out in the following clip:

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