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Member subscription form
Do you love to dance? Join our sports association!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First name
Your answer
Last name
Your answer
Prefer not to say
Date of birth
Your answer
Address: Street + number
Your answer
Address: Zip code
Your answer
Address: City
Your answer
Phone number (incl. country code)
E.g. for a phone number in the Netherlands: +31 6 (your phone number starting from the 6)
Your answer
Registration number Wageningen University
Your answer
Sports card number (WBA-id)
You get your sports card number by removing the first 4 and the last 2 digits from the barcode on the back of your WUR card. If the remaining number begins with one or more zero, then remove those as well.
Your answer
I am in possession of valid
sports rights
What type of membership are you signing up for?
Regular SDF membership
Wageningen Dance Collective (WDC)
I am signing up for the following period
From September until July (whole academic year)
From September until January (first half of the academic year)
From February until July (second half of the academic year)
What is your dance background? Have you danced before? And which styles?
Your answer
Would you like to join one of our committees?
I would like to join the social activity committee
I would like to join the photo/media committee
With signing this document you are required to transfer the obligatory contribution to the bank account of THE STUDENT DANCE FACTORY IBAN: NL91 RABO 0355 9436 03 with the description "Member contribution SDF + first and last name" within 14 days
I agree
With signing this document you declare that The Student Dance Factory is not responsible for any damage and injuries you may cause, or be the victim of
I agree
With signing this document I indicate that I’ve read and agreed with Internal Regulations, Code of Conduct, and Privacy Policy of the Student Dance Factory
Internal Regulations can be found here:
Code of Conduct can be found here:
Privacy Policy can be found here:
I agree
All personal information (address, e-mail address, phone number) will be kept confidential as stated in our privacy policy. They are collected for internal use only.
Send me a copy of my responses.
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