Unity Matchmaker - 3rd Party Hosting Support Survey
Hello from Unity! We’d like to please engage with you for a quick poll! 

The Matchmaker team are excited to share that we’re exploring a new feature that will allow you to use our matchmaking solution with the hosting solution of your choice

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this. Thank you! 
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If Unity Matchmaker supports the hosting solution of your choice, would you be interested in using this feature on the Matchmaker?   *
What is the reason that you would be/ would not be interested in 3rd Party Hosting Support of the Matchmaker? 
We’d love to hear more from you! 

In particular, we are interested in learning more about:
- your current matchmaking system in-game
- the hosting solution you are currently using
- how you envision using Matchmaker with your preferred hosting solution

If you are interested in sharing your ideas with us, please submit your email here: 
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