KINEMATICA repair registration for laboratory devices, dispersing aggregates and accessories
Dear customer
Dear KINEMATICA partner

Please complete this form in full before sending a laboratory device/dispersing aggregate in for repair or service so that our Service Department can help you in the best possible way.

Our rapid and straightforward registration process also allows us to identify the product and offer you an appropriate solution. Please start by entering your e-mail address so that we can send you confirmation of registration once you have completed the process.

Information on cost estimates
All repair and services with an order value of up to CHF 200 will be carried out without a cost estimate/offer and without consultation. Cost estimates will be prepared at the request of customers in the case of orders where the value exceeds CHF 200.

We will make a processing charge of CHF 90 if you request a cost estimate but later refuse our offer. These costs will be fully waived in the event of a repair or if a new device offered is ordered.

The original receipt must be enclosed. No guarantee services will be provided without proof of purchase in the form of the receipt.

All information regarding guarantees is available in the operating instructions or on our website.

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