Marceline Events Calendar
Submit your Marceline events here, to be included on
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YOUR name *
YOUR email *
In case we have questions about your event.
Event CONTACT info *
If someone sees your event and has questions, who do they contact? This can be a phone number or email address.
Event Host or Organization *
The name of the group or company responsible for this event.
Event Title *
The short title or name of your event.
The location name and/or full address where this event will take place.
Link to event website or social media post
Copy/paste a link to this event here. This will be included in your event details.
Is this a recurring event?
LEAVE BLANK if this does not recur. If this event happen regularly, when does it happen? Weekly? Monthly? On the 3rd Saturday of every month? Or the first Monday of every month?
Start Date *
Start Time *
End Date
Leave this blank if the event is just one day.
End Time
Enter an end time for the event, if there is one.
Event Details
You can include links to the facebook event, or registration website, etc.
Any other notes or comments about this event?
This won't be published, just for special notes.
If you have a flyer or graphic, you'll see a link to upload it after submitting this form.
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