Prenatal / Good For All Yoga 
Good For All Yoga
For any questions, please call Tanu 469.972.3812 / Alpa 732.318.4273 
Registration Form For Prenatal Yoga (Confidential)
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Single Drop-in $30.00
2 Class Pass $45.00
4 Class Pass $88.00
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Prenatal / Good For All Yoga
Full name *
Address *
Email *
Phone Number  *
Age  *
Due Date *
Pregnancy Stage (how many weeks?) *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Phone No *
In this pregnancy have you experienced? (Please tick and insert any comments as appropriate) *
Please give details of above or any other health issues, surgery or injuries.
Have you practiced yoga before, if so how long, what style, what level, etc.? *
How did you hear about this course?
I would like to buy : *
Payment Option *
As far as I am aware, I have disclosed to my Yoga teacher all information regarding my health relevant to the practice of Yoga during pregnancy, in the course of labour and during the months following childbirth. I take full responsibility for all applications of Yoga I may practice outside the yoga classes during my pregnancy, in labour and after giving birth. I accept that the teacher does not take responsibility for any applications of Yoga practices described during class or shown in books and videos. I fully understand that the recommendations, ideas or techniques expressed and described in Yoga classes cannot be regarded as substitutes for the advice of qualified medical practitioners. Any uses to which the recommendations, ideas and techniques are put are at my sole discretion and risk.
Please type your name in place of your signature *
Please enter date *
Please advise your teacher if any information changes. Many thanks for filling out the registration form. 
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