Building Unity                                                      Solidarity Statement                                                  Sign-on Form               

Building Unity is a multi-group project working to build a stronger and more united movement for Peace, Justice, Sustainability, and Democracy. 

Specifically, we call for:

  • A strong democracy (restoring voting rights, securing fair voting districts, and eliminating the influences of “big money” in electoral politics)

  • BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) justice, sovereignty, and solidarity (economic justice, the honoring of treaties, increased funding to end the epidemics of poverty, violence, and death)

  • Equal protections and opportunities under the law for all people - ending racial, gender, and all forms of discrimination

  • Environmental action that appropriately addresses the climate emergency.

  • Restored reproductive rights, including body autonomy.

  • Criminal legal reform that is grounded in compassion, rehabilitation, healing, and respect for all people

  • Economic justice and the meeting of human needs for all (healthcare, housing, education, nutrition, living wages, safe environments, the right to collectively bargain, etc.) 

  • Immigration reform that is grounded in compassion and humble gratitude for the gifts of all immigrants and their descendants

  • Comprehensive gun law reforms that reduce gun violence and increase public safety

  • Decriminalization of drug use and compassionate care for drug users in need of help

  • Legalization of marijuana and the immediate release of all persons who are incarcerated solely for marijuana use or possession

  • Stop funding the Israeli war-machine and other warmakers. Use our tax dollars to promote diplomacy, peace, and security.  Use funds to meet our essential needs at home and around the world.

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