CAPE data updates
Please use this form to inform us of new or updated Climate Action Plans from councils - we will use this information to help ensure that always has the latest version available.
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Council name *
We only cover plans from District, County, Unitary, London Borough, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish Councils, or Combined Authorities. We don't currently monitor plans from Town or Parish councils.
Plan URL *
Where to find the plan on the internet. If possible please provide a direct link to the plan rather than a summary page containing a link.
Plan title
What's the title of the document?
Plan Status
Has the plan been approved by the council or is it still in progress?
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Plan Scope
Does the plan only cover emissions directly produced by the council, or are there actions in it aimed at reducing emissions across all activities in the area?
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Plan time period
Start and end year of the period covered by the plan, e.g 2020-2030
Email address (optional)
We'll use this if we need to clarify any details.
Name (optional)
Your Role
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Would you be happy to be contacted about how you use the site?
We want to understand how people are using CAPE. This informs our future development of new features, and also helps us secure the funding we need to run the project. If you'd be happy for us to contact you for a chat, please tick this box (and ensure you've given your email address above).
Sign up to the mySociety climate newsletter
Confirm if you'd like to receive our newsletter about our climate work. (Please fill in your email address above as well).
How will we use your data?
We'll use the data you've provided to update the council's page on the Climate Action Plans Explorer. This is currently a manual process in which we verify the data before it goes live. The site is usually updated on Mondays, so it may be a short while before you see any changes on the site.

We'll use the details about your role in aggregate statistics about the use of the site, and to help us prioritise future work.

If you've supplied your name and email address we'll only use it if we've got any queries about your submission, to contact you about your use of the site if you've agreed, ot to add it to the subscribers to our climate newsletter if you ticked that box.

We'll only use your name and email address (where supplied) if we've got any queries about your submission or for the purposes you've agreed to.
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