IoT Devfest - Speaker/Workshop Proposal
Thanks for your interest. This year we want both speakers AND workshops so let us know what you would like to do.

Submission remain open until Jan 1, 2018, and we plan announce the speakers/workshops in early January.
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Presentation or Workshop? *
Title *
This will be public. Be interesting.
Abstract *
Describe your session or workship. This will be public.
Additional info for the organizers to consider?   *
Please share links to previous sessions (bonus points for video) we should review when considering your proposal.  This will not be public.
Length *
How long do you think it will take? We are targeting 25 minute talks and 2 hour workshops.
Category *
To which of these categories would you add your session?
Skill Level *
What is the ideal skill level, the audience should have to follow your session?
Your Name *
Email Address *
This will not be public.
Company and Title
This will be public
Homepage and Profile Links *
One or more links to your social network profiles,  homepage, and GitHub. This will be public.
Bio / Speaker Introduction information *
Something interesting about you. This will be public.
Local or from out of town? *
Do you live in Phoenix, or will you travel to this event
Running a workshop usually means you need people in the room to help. Will you bring helpers or should we?
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Workshop Size
Each workshop we would like to share some hardware. How many people can go to your workshop? Keep in mind that we can create teams that share the hardware.
Clear selection
What hardware would you need? We are looking to get a budget to buy Raspberry Pi's and the like and even the AIY cardboard kits and the like. What hardware would you need people to have to complete your workshop?
Other notes about a Workshop
What else would you need? Power at every table . . . but anything else?
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