CAMP Trainer Application
CAMP® stands for “Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program” and is NAPC’s signature training product. The goal of CAMP is to provide engaging and informative training to preservation related boards and commissions of all types through presentations, hands-on exercises, group discussions and networking (mentoring) opportunities via live and web-based formats. Trainers include commissioners, local, state and national staff members, attorneys and commission partners. CAMP® focuses on training and mentoring and so is separate from other NAPC’s education options such as Forum, The Alliance Review, and printed educational materials. CAMP® Trainer Applications will be evaluated by the Training Committee.

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Have you attended a CAMP and/or Short Course in the last five years?
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How many years of experience do you have with preparing content and presenting before large groups?
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Which of the core topics listed below do you work with on a daily basis?
Each presenter must be able to present on at least two of the core topics as each trainer will present 1-3 sessions per CAMP. Please mark those that you feel you would be able to present.
Are there any other specific preservation-related topics that you have experience with in a professional setting? Examples may include cultural landscapes, social and cultural heritage, financial incentives, etc.
Are you a current NAPC member?
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What is your current role in preservation? Please check all that apply.
Why are you interested in becoming a CAMP Trainer?
Please send a copy of your CV, a recent presentation and anything else you feel showcases your talent. You may send via email to Is there anything else we should know about you?
Please list names of any NAPC Board members or current trainers who are familiar with your work.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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